Retrieving ENA File reports

While file reports can be built using the ENA advanced search, there is a special filereport URL that will return summarised reports about a provided accession. This URL bypasses the advanced search and fetches information directly from a data cache, increasing the speed of delivery.

This faster resource is available using the following URL template:<accession>&result=<result>[&fields=<fields>]

When the fields parameter is used, only those columns requested are returned and they are in the same order as requested. If the fields parameter is not used, all available columns for the result are returned.

Example with all report fields:

Example with specified return fields:,fastq_ftp,fastq_md5,fastq_bytes

Run Reports

To retrieve the run file report, the result should be set to read_run. S tudy accessions (ERP, SRP, DRP, PRJ prefixes), experiment accessions (ERX, SRX, DRX prefixes), sample accessions (ERS, SRS, DRS, SAM prefixes) and run accessions (ERR, SRR, DRR prefixes) can be supplied.

Analysis Reports

To retrieve the analysis file report, the result should be set to analysis. Study accessions (ERP, SRP, DRP, PRJ prefixes), sample accessions (ERS, SRS, DRS, SAM prefixes) and analysis accessions (ERZ, SRZ, DRZ prefixes) can be supplied.